Wedding, Eventi and Particolari

Three catalogues born from the continuous research and the study of a constantly changing market, with a focus not only on fashion or styles, but also on the way to communicate. Wedding, Eventi and Particolari allow everyone to create not only invitations, but a real coordinated with menu, placeholder, card with pencil, tags, wedding favors and all other accessories that will make your event unique and unforgettable.


“Wedding” born from the continuous research and the study of a constantly changing market, with a focus not only on fashion or styles, but also on the way to communicate. This collection offers to our customers a totally customizable line: we want to give the opportunity to all the couples to find everything they need for the most beautiful day of their lives by choosing and creating the participation of their dreams. With “Wedding” everyone can create a real coordinated with all the accessories: boxes, cones, menu, placeholders, tags and all other accessories that will make your event unique and unforgettable.


With “Eventi” everyone can create not only invitations, but a real coordinated with menu, placeholder, card with pencil, tags, wedding favors and all other accessories that will make your event unique and unforgettable.

Everyone can create and choose the combinations that he prefers between the colors and the possibility of choosing a ribbon selected between satin, cotton or silk. You will also find a line of accessories made of Washable Paper, FSC® certified natural paper, with which we have created the perfect products to set up your tables giving color and innovation to your event.


“Particolari” is a selection of cards realized on FSC® certified paper, available in different colors creating an infinite number of participations for each type of event. With “Particolari” everyone can create a real coordinated that will make your event unique and unforgettable. You will also find a line of accessories made of Washable Paper, with which we have created the perfect products to set up your tables giving color and innovation to your event.